Hiraizumi’s Cultural Heritage Structural Properties
Muryōkō-in Ato
Muryōkō-in Ato is the site of a temple constructed by the third Oshu-Fujiwara lord, Hidehira. An Amida hall constructed to imitate the Phoenix Hall of the Byōdō-in Temple in Uji, as well as great halls surrounding a pond. In addition, behind the Amida Hall (to the west) Mt. Kinkeisan is in the center of a gentle mountain range.
After the collapse of the Oshu-Fujiwara clan, the great halls went disappeared or went to ruin and the pond was made into a rice paddy, but the site was kept in good condition.
The World Heritage Committee gave high praise to the Jodo gardens of Hiraizumi that form the completed form of Muryōkō-in, calling it, “a scene of an ideal town put together by carefully arranging the Buddhist monastery in connection with ponds, forests and the summit of Mt. Kinkeisan.”
CG reproduction of Muryōkō-in